Sunday, March 12, 2017

My New Clickbank Code Review 1

My NEW Clickbank Code Review

Is it a scam or a program some people just don’t understand?

Some years ago I thought about looking at CLICKBANK as a way to make extra money.  There wasn’t a training program such as this at that time and with a terminally ill husband, I
did not have the time or energy to devote to such a program.  The training program was nothing like this is reported to be and I had never heard the name of Michael Jones at that time.  Now his name is continually linked with internet marketing.

With those comments out of the way, I want to look at CLICKBANK and Michael’s the newest rollout of CLICKBANK CODE with a fresh pair of eyes in 2017.  Let’s clarify from the very beginning my misconception …..Michael Jones and  CLICKBANK CODE are not associated with CLICKBANK any longer.  Yet I understand there are those who have met Michael Jones who boasts of earnings of 5 figure income his first week and almost $50,000 his first month.  The success rate of many affiliates who follow the step by step instructions now would seem to guarantee their success.  I am now reviewing CLICKBANK CODE and the company (CLICKBANK) he states he made his first 5 figure commissions with.  It is possible to still invest with CBC and according to Michael can be successful, promote and sell products listed on Clickbank Marketplace.  You actually do not have to work with either Michael or Clickbank.  You can use the program to market anything you like. However, if you choose to promote Clickbank products I recommend you research their policies, each terms and agreements to determine whether there could be conflicting differences.  At this time I understand Clickbank now has enlisted Adam Horowitz and Justin Atlan to promote and use Clickbank University 2.0 to provide training for their website, but we will follow through with  CLICKBANK CODE to determine if it is a scam or just a training program many just do not understand. 

Starting as with any review I do, I like to start with the information I found on Michael and how it would to relate to you. In the beginning I was not sure exactly who rolled out the CLICKBANK CODE just from the information in the many affiliate reviews but the one thing I was sure of was that Michael Jones is successful.  Some affiliates said it was Michael who rolled the program out and others were saying it was done by Tim Bekker and Jesse Regan.  Those reviews just made me stop and go back to the researching part and dig a little deeper to ensure I gave the correct information rather than taking the information solely on its merits.  In doing this I found the truth is, it is all the above.  Michael started with CB  in February of 2009 and by May 14, 2009 he had put together his steps to success in PDF format and with Tim and Jesse the video series of CLICKBANK CODE was born.  They worked together to put this internet marketing training program together with much success.  When doing my homework I found Tim and Jesse are also reputed by others to have excelled in their field.  So, it seems Michael put the material together and Tim and Jesse helped to make it into what we see today.  

When Michael Jones started his career with CLICKBANK he said he had always heard that it was easy to get started and since he had some success online prior to that time he decided to give it a try.  According to the website he “just sat down one day at my kitchen table, fired up the old laptop, and started searching the Clickbank Marketplace for products to promote... with good commissions”.  I have found Michael had sales and/or marketing experience with EBay prior to this and would probably have aided in his success.  Maybe he would have used his number cruncher there.  Crunching basic numbers like he would go through with any new venture.  I mean real basic as Michael describes as “kindergarten math”.  After some time searching for the products and number crunching; he decided to promote those products.  As with many companies a website is not mandatory, it is recommended to have your own for a better success.  Now it seems at that time Michael did not take this program seriously.  Although he does not use those specific words… he created a website.  He does state he put templates together on his landing page.  Another word for a website is landing page and you will find there are many companies who will offer you a free website or have someone like Type At Home has with Wix.  They offer a free website.  This is common especially if you are promoting their company and products.  The most common ones I am familiar with are Go Daddy and Wix just to name a couple.  You can start with a basic site for free and then upgrade if you choose from there.  If you do not have a website it will start with registering your domain name then will enroll you in their hosting fees.  Some actually do not charge hosting fees but those are few and far between.  However, monthly fees are pretty insignificant with the hosting as most of the time (less than $10) and it does get you up and running faster with your own website.  It may not be quite the most professional look you see with a professional website but as you can see with Michael that did not seem to matter.  When you have templates a customer can take it from there, make their own choices, and it is very easy to put it together.  The next thing you know, your website is up in a very short time.  I have seen many people who just add a color to the top of their home page with the title, introducing their information and then upload a small use a small portrait of themselves.  I personally like the picture as it puts a face to the owner.  It’s your website and since you are an independent contractor you design the website the way you want within reason.  Michael says his templates were “ugly” yet he still decided to put in a few hours just to give it a chance to see what would happen. He had put together his crunching formula without any thought of being successful and yet you can see from his website just how successful he was.  With having the online success with EBay, while I do not know for a fact, I would think he used some of the same tactics as used with EBay to choose the products he wanted to promote.  Just in case you did not see this page of CLICKBANK CODE; this is what he posts on the website. However, making a 5 figure income within 30 days is successful any way you want to look at it.

That is truly amazing.  Can you imagine every time you refreshed the page, you had 2 or 3 more sales.  I would say that type of activity really would have the blood pumping and would warrant a night on the town but Michael states he went looking for more products.  Even if there wasn’t a website created for you and you made it with templates, then you should be looking through the different templates to reflect you and the products you were choosing while hoping the money would keep coming in. There is a You Tube video that says you can start without a website, but I would say it is definitely not recommended.  Depending on how comfortable you are with investing in either having a custom website made or if you don’t already have one I would use the templates in the beginning to create one.  According to Michael he can take anyone from any job market and make them successful using the CLICKBANK CODEHowever it must be someone who will listen and follow his methods. 

Have you ever heard of the saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”?  It seems that could be the case for some affiliates.  Many affiliates according to Michael are making what one might consider fair money and are completely satisfied with that.  Why?  Why are they not giving the code a chance?  Let’s delve down and see if we find can find the answers for ourselves.   Michael says:

When I went to the Clickbank website they report there are 100,000 very successful affiliates, but they are some 500,000 listed. H-mm!  Being in a world of “fat commission checks, easy traffic, and the lifestyle you've been aiming for this whole time” is something I think many have dreamed about, but maybe scared to acted on.  Myself, I would never act on anything such as a time while caring for my husband simply because I feel you would need to be free of intrusions and devote quality time learning unless of course that intrusion is the need to make money.  However once I had done my research, if I found it to be a legitimate venture and were to decide to invest in CLICKBANK CODE I can assure you I would take those videos and follow the instructions to the letter.  Still, during this review we break this down a little further to cover all the information (good and maybe bad) so if you are considering investing you can make an informed decision.

While the website  CLICKBANK CODE is s-o-o positive and has such huge numbers in commissions that many may find it hard to believe.  So during this review we will look at some of the other things and costs you might endure when using CBC.  First, we know there is an enrollment fee of $77 and as of this writing they state they will accept the next 72 people and allow their use of the CLICKBANK CODE training system. There are some 28 videos which he states will teach you how to use the same tactics to make $1000’s.   While none of us are Michael; I personally would not go into this venture expect to make the $11,000 the first week.  However, I feel I would be remiss if I did not remind you Clickbank states they have 500,000 recorded affiliates, but only 100,000 are actually making money.  That is a 1 in 5 chances of making the good money Michael has made.  So, I advise you to give it your all with a goal of exceeding the $50,000 the first month and but maybe if it is not half or even a quarter of this amount but if you make an extra $2000 to $3000 your first month that is being successful!  That being said, I do not advise you to go into any venture such as this without giving it your best.  Don’t expect to promote a few products and just sit back waiting for the money to roll in.  According to the multiple reviews I have read most of the promotions are predominately digital products which are not what you would call high dollar products.  Instead many affiliates state they have made the best commissions while promoting multiple products for the average person.  They sell more products with has a very low cost therefore making it easier more commissions.  If you have hundreds of eBooks selling for let’s say $25 and you make $12.50 on each of those; you just made yourself anywhere from $1250 and up.  I do want you make sure you understand what digital products are and how easily it is to make numerous commissions promoting those items.  A digital product being sold are mainly eBooks that are written on every subject known to man.  Anyone with time, knowledge, and dedication can write an eBook….even you.   It just takes time… a lot of time. Still, I have not tried the CLICKBANK CODE and cannot state as factual that if you proceed with this venture you would be successful.  What I recommend is for you do your homework just as I am doing today and research CBC.  Read the reviews; all the reviews from those who have used the CLICKBANK CODE and they implemented this training material as Michael recommended by using it on a regular basis.  A very important step in the process before taking part in this venture is to scroll down to the bottom of any webpage you are considering entering into an online financial venture with until you see this picture:


I am sure both Michael and Clickback would suggest doing this to verify everyone knows the type of agreement each would be making.  Only when I did this, I did not realize you have to request a refund on CLICKBANK CODE within 56 days from the date of purchase and not the 60 days as is reported on the website.

The CBC has 28 videos and 6 PDF modules.  The first module is starting with an introduction and general advice on the best way to get started with the affiliate marketing.  It is apparent from the many sources I chose for this review that the videos are of great quality both in video and audio.  While you will have access to the videos multiple times I do recommend you either have pen and paper to jot down notes or print out the PDF modules, especially if you find a specific topic that needs to be reviewed again and again.  This section explains things like PPC (pay per click), CPC (cost per click), CPM (cost per market), and CTR (click-through rate).  It is very important that you understand each item to ensure you make money with this program versus losing money.  Using the form Michael created within an Excel program is designed to assist you in deciding the best product to promote or whether to bail on it.  He developed this formulary which when you key in the information needed; it actually does assist you in deciding the products. 

Your second module gives advice on how to select your keywords.  Keywords are words which should be one word if possible followed with a comma in between each word (e-book, marketing, etc.) and every time a potential customer searches using one or all your keywords; your product will populate for them to consider.  If used properly this has the potential to drive high traffic to your website as well as the great potential for sales.  For many who are familiar with online marketing understands this module and frees you from having to check out your competitors or having to decipher some very complicated tools. 

Your third module will walk you through landing pages which I prefer called websites.  You are taught how to pick a good domain name, building a free website vs having one designed, hosting fees, using WordPress for a blog, creating your own story so people can relate to you and what you are promoting.  In other words you are promoting yourself in such a positive way the public will connect with the marketing strategies you use.

Module four is where you really need to concentrate on how you will build traffic to your website, but if a website is not available then a blog is the best next option.  However, you will learn about pay per click, cost per click, cost per market, and click-through rate.  It is imperative to understand each before you promoting your products.  Not making sure you understand this could cost you hundreds of dollars.
Module five takes you through the marketing strategy.  This module deals with getting and using free traffic using Bum marketing with what some call articles, stories, or blogs.  This not only teaches you how to do a keyword search for your article, but it also gives tips on writing articles, but also gives tips on the best way to write your articles to get SEO (search engine optimization) results.
Module six is devoted to getting free traffic techniques like using forum marketing. This tactic  in the video teaches you how to use different techniques when using forum marketing.
There are both pros and cons to using this program.  There are some good tips to finding profitable products and there are techniques on how to get free traffic.  The cons to this program for newbies are the amount of money needed to be used on pay per click can exceed $500.  So it is imperative to research other avenues that may be free or decide in the very beginning what your budget is for marketing.
So, now as I promised I want to give you an idea of costs to starting a new venture of this magnitude.  As I stated, the cost for CBC is $77 which is relatively low if you are making large sums of money.  Added to this would be the costs of the website.  It can possibly be free when doing your research of using the sites templates but you will have to register the domain name and possibly a monthly hosting fee ranging from $3.99 to $7.99 a month with Go Daddy depending on your needs.  Then if you decide to use pay per click AdWords, that is where you can find costing up to $500 a month so you definitely would want to remember where Michael said he could get free AdWords.  Remember the costs for your operating expenses are tax deductible within the United States, but I cannot comment on those areas outside our States.  

While doing the research, I find Michael Jones states he will show you how to use the mathematical method he uses for picking the highest conversion products.  There is a spreadsheet called “Clickbank Product Evaluator” and one customer stated it was worth the $77 just to get that Evaluator.  This 4 page formulary is reputed to tell you whether the product you chose to list is telling you to “go for it” or “bail on it”.  It is noted that there are some affiliates who did not use the formula and chose much higher priced items and lost money instead of reaping the generous commissions.  CLICKBANK CODE pays out commissions of approximately 50% to 75% of the sale price.  The downside is when returns are completed with refunds given back to the customer; the affiliate will have a chargeback on the commission they were given.  However, it seems that those who pay attention to Michael in the CLICKBANK CODE videos and follow his step by step methods you can possibly make good money.  Again and again and again do your research.

There is another company where you can make extra money on line and that is with Type At Home where you type articles and get paid for them.  If you can type and have the internet you can qualify to work with them.  There is a one-time fee of $29.99 for part-time, $59.99 for full time and $89.99 for the business owner.  Part-time can earn you up to $500 per month, full time up to $2000 per month and the business owner has an unlimited income.  It is fun and you work from the comfort of your home or anywhere else you are as long as you have your computer and internet.  

 videos and follow his step by step methods you can possibly make good money.  Again, do Home where you type articles and get paid for them.  If you can type and have the internet you can qualify to work with them.  There is a one-time fee of $29.99 for part-time, $59.99 for full time and $89.99 for the business owner.  Part-time can earn you up to $500 per month, full time up to $2000 per month anhe business owner has an unlimited income.  It is fun and you work from the comfort of your home or anywhere else you are as long as you have your computer and int

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